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KMID : 0361919880180020421
Korean Journal of Orthodontics
1988 Volume.18 No. 2 p.421 ~ p.433
Jeon Jun-Young

Sung Jae-Hyun
The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of craniofacial morphology in adult with crowded dentition.
The craniofacial morphology associated with normal and crowded of mandibular dentition was studied in lateral cephalometric radiograph obtained from 145 subjects grouped 44 males and 40 females in normal group, 33 males and 28 females in crowded group. The conclusions were as follows: Means, standard deviations and facial polygons from measurements were obtained from normal and crowded groups. Palatal plane to SN, occlusal plans to SN, mandibular plane to SN, mandibular plane to palatal plane and gonial angle measurements of crowded group were significantly different from normal group and were larger than normal group. SNA, SNB measurements of crowded group were significantly different from normal group and were smaller than normal group. Significant differences were observed between normal group and crowded groups on the basis of SN/1, PP/1, MP/1, and compared with normal group, upper incisors of crowded group were inclined more labially, whereas lower incisors of crowded group were inclined more lingually. Posterior facial height and ramal height were shorter in males of crowded group than those of normal group. Posterior facial height, mandibular length and posterior cranial base length were shorter in females of crowded group than those of normal group. Anterior facial height was longer in females of crowded group than those of normal group.
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